Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My dinner date

The ride today was hot! At mile 45 I came into the big climbs leading into Dahlonega. It hit right in the heat of the day and I truly did look like a mentally unstable turtle. My highlight was seeing the expression on 2 teenagers faces as I passed them while they were walking their bikes up the climb!! I must have made one feel bad cuz he got on his bike and started pedaling. LOL

When I arrived at Puravida, I learned that I had a dinner date, Margaret Nemac. She is the lovely 60 year old inn keeper who came to make me a pasta dinner so I wouldn't go hungry. I am pretty sure she did that just for me since I am the only one staying on this 72 acre retreat. We enjoyed a quiet dinner together while she explained about the different birds flying around the garden. We then enjoyed cake on the porch and watched an amazing sunset over the mountains.

Margaret illustrates a great God point in her servant's heart tonight.........what makes a random act of kindness special is not the size of the task. It is the size of the suprising randomness.

Off to bed. Tomorrow will be a full day of big climbs. Thank you for support and prayers.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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